Day 7 of #12daysofchristmascrafts is a craft inspired by yet another You tuber The Magnolia Housewife. She made Fall Napkin pictures using wood. I had never seen this technique before and wanted to try it. So I did! But I used canvas instead of wood.
- Canvas (or wood)
- Napkins large enough to cover the surface
- Plastic wrap
- Parchment paper
- Iron
Step 1: Cut napkin slightly larger than canvas, and separate paper so your left with 1 ply.
Step 2: Lay plastic wrap on canvas, napkin over plastic, and parchment paper over napkin.
Step 3: Iron on high heat setting (with empty iron) for a few minutes. Pay particular attention to the edges of the canvas.
- You can lift the iron periodically to check for sealed edge. Continue ironing if not fully adhered.
*Tip* Use an old iron if you have one, or be sure the parchment is covering any exposed plastic wrap.
Step 4: Cut off excess napkin/plastic around edges, and file down any jagged edges.
*Step 5 and 6 are optional.
Step 5: Add ribbon around border of canvas. I did this because the print on this particular napkin was smaller than the canvas itself.
- I cut a strip of this glittered ribbon in half lengthwise.
Step 6: Attach a frame easel hinge (the piece that holds a tabletop frame upright) using hot glue.
- I had these from some small frames I used to make a lantern. I wanted to be able to stand them up on top of my fridge.
Aren't these cute? Come back tomorrow for day 8!