Diy Coffee Mug Rack without Power Tools

I hadn’t intended on doing any projects for my hot drink station this week, but when inspiration strikes… I wanted a small mug rack for this area because I told my kids they could each get a plain coffee mug and customize it with a design (I’ll share them once they decide what they want on them).

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I used some scrap wood I had in my garage and a couple of wall mount hangers from Dollar Tree. I was inspired by a farmhouse style mug rack made by Melanie at the Simple Made Pretty blog. Check out her project here.

If your new to woodworking try using this miter box for smaller projects!

I only needed my mug rack to hold about 4 mugs so I made a mini one. I used my miter box and saw set to cut the 1x2 boards I had on hand since I didn’t have much to cut. The only other tool i used was a screwdriver!


Diy Coffee Mug Rack How-To:


  1. Cut 1x2 board to size using miter box. You’ll need 2 pieces measuring 10 inches and 2 pieces at 10 inches.

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2. Arrange the wood pieces in a square with the longer pieces on the sides and shorter on top and bottom. *Optional: Leave a 1/2 inch space at the top and bottom ends. Center the metal hooks and screw onto the top and bottom wood piece.

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3. Attach the pieces using wood glue.

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4. Use the spray paint to cover the entire thing, front and back. You’ll need 2 coats of paint for full coverage.

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Now hang your coffee mug rack and enjoy! I really liked how Melanie added greenery to the top of her mug rack, it really adds a nice touch.


Do you have a coffee bar or hot drink station in your home? If so, do you decorate it seasonally? Here is my coffee bar/hot drink station decorated for fall.


Woodworking doesn’t have to be hard, try this miter box to start your diy journey!
