Shelf Riser Diy Using Elmer's Wood Glue

I wanted to share this easy diy shelf riser because it can easily be done without any tools! I created my riser to use on my kitchen cart which was getting a little cluttered on top. The riser makes the surface of the cart look much cleaner!

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I made my shelf riser using pieces of scrap wood (from old signs I wasn’t using) and this Elmer’s wood glue. I was a little skeptical when I first started using this glue because I’d purchased it from the dollar store. But who won’t try something for $1?!


I measured and cut my wood pieces to fit perfectly in the space I wanted it, and finished it using chalk paint. I’ll let you in on a little secret, I didn’t even sand off the original paint(though the instructions say to use on raw wood) on the wood piece I used, and the Elmer’s wood glue still did the job. The sturdiness of this shelf riser is amazing. I want to put one everywhere!


Shelf Riser Diy How-to:

Materials: wood boards, wood glue, paint or stain for finish if desired

1.       Cut wood to size (can be done using a hand saw or power saw, or have hardware store cut it)

2.       Sand any rough edges

3.       Use wood glue along one end of each leg piece and attach to the bottom of the shelf piece along the outer edges.

4. Paint, stain or leave it unfinished! Now get that shelf organized.


I used my miter saw to cut my wood, but if you’re a beginner at woodworking (or lazy like me) you can bring your measurements to the big box store and have them cut it for you. I have them cut larger pieces all the time! My shelf riser measures 12 inches long by 6 inches in height. If making this for a shelf be sure to place any items that will be under the riser on the shelf for accurate height measurement. Don’t forget to check out Elmer’s wood glue for your next home project.


Check out more woodworking projects!


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