
How to turn Cylinder Vases into Decor

Today I'm sharing a super simple décor diy using cylinder vases, some vase filler, and embellishments. I wanted to add another decorative touch to my dresser since updating it with the contact paper.  And since my husband has decided he wants gold bedding, this project will be the perfect addition. By the way, if you know where I can get gold bedding (at a reasonable cost) let me know. Lol. Plus, all the supplies used (except for glue) are from the dollar store.

Supply list:

  • 2 cylinder vases (one 7.5 in. and one 9.5 in. in height)
  • 2 gold tea light candle holders
  • Embellishments 
  • Vase filler
  • Glue

Step 1:

glued each tea light holder to the base of each vase

-I used hot glue, but for a more permanent hold I would suggest  a stronger adhesive. I wanted the option of changing the look of these.

Step 2:

added embellishments

-I used gold toned floral wire around one vase, gluing at the top and bottom of the vase. On the other I layered a lace head wrap over white lace ribbon, using hot glue to secure. The white lace ribbon is not from the dollar store, but is optional.

Step 3:

added vase filler

-In the taller vase decorative rattan balls (leftover from my beach themed chandelier diy), and the shorter vase is filled with vanilla scented potpourri.

So, that's it!

I hope you enjoyed this project! This is so simple and easily customizable for any décor. It's also versatile. I could see this on a living room mantle, as a dining table centerpiece, maybe even in the bathroom. Oh the possibilities!

Thanks again, and God bless!

Living simply,

Dual sided Mirrored Vanity Tray Diy

I get inspired in different ways to create décor pieces for my home. YouTube diy videos are one of the sources that sparks ideas for me. And, this project was inspired by a you tuber who created a mirrored tray. Her tray was uniquely different from other mirrored tray projects I had seen. She used a wired ribbon to create a tray border.

When I saw her video, I knew I had just the thing to create my own version of a mirrored tray. You won’t believe what I repurposed (from home renovation scraps) to create this tray. And, I even took it a step further and made this a dual-purpose project that only cost me $3. I am so happy with how this came out, and it’s a great addition to my dresser.

Here’s what I did…

I started with these supplies

-2 framed mirrors

- wall decal

- gold thumb tacks

- gold spray paint

- a vinyl corner bead (used in construction to reinforce drywall corners)

- heavy duty scissors

- ruler

Step 1: measured the vinyl to fit the outer edge of the frames and cut to size

-You end up with 2 long pieces and 2 shorts

Step 2: cut 2 mitered corners on each piece of vinyl

-I cut each angle inward to create a 45 degree angle

Step 3: spray painted the frames in metallic gold

Step 4: glued the frames back to back, after reassembling the framed mirrors

-I used super glue for this step, but I think even hot glue would do

Step 5: I added the wall decal to the mirror that would be the bottom of the tray

-I initially put the decal on the wrong way (lol), but I fixed it later

Step 6: attached the vinyl bead to the frame using the thumb tacks

-I attached the tacks to the center hole (alternating each hole) on the straight edged side. I did this around the entire frame. 

Step 7: attached gold beaded ribbon (using hot glue) to each corner to cover up the jagged edges

Step 8: attached flat glass gems on the bottom mitered corners using hot glue

And here is the result. A dual purpose mirrored vanity tray/ framed mirror décor!

I am totally loving the look of this. I plan on using this as a tray for now, but I have the option of simply turning it over and using it as décor. I hope this inspires you to create your own unique décor piece. Let me know what you think. And until next time, thanks and God bless!

Living Simply,


How to make a Simple Fall Centerpiece

I know everyone is all goo-goo ga-ga over the Fall season coming but, I wouldn’t mind a little more summer! I am in New England. And us New Englanders know that summer only lasts about four weeks! I’m exaggerating of course, but that’s how it feels. It seems like by the time the temperature gets into the 80’s it starts dropping again.

Ok, now that I’m done complaining, I’ll tell you a few things do like about Fall. First of all, pumpkin flavored everything! I’m talking muffins, breads, coffee. Oh, and I can’t forget about apple picking, apple pie, and apple butter. Yummy! I’m getting hungry now. Most of all I love fall décor. I just love the color pallet, with all the earthy tones. And I love how you can find things in neutral color schemes to match any décor.

So, this week I’m sharing my Simple Fall centerpiece.

To start I’ll show you the supplies. You’ll see in the end I added to what is shown, but mainly for embellishment.

Step 1: painted the pizza pan using chalk paint

-This one small container of paint goes a long way. I’ve used this for several projects and it's only about half empty. 

Step 2: removed backing and all hardware from each frame, then put the glass back in and glued in each corner to secure

-I only used a tiny dot of hot glue in each corner so it wouldn’t show through the glass

Step 3: I added one of these activity sheets to each glass with double sided tape

-This paper combined with the brown frame just screamed fall, but as you'll see I end up removing the paper.

Step 4: created a lantern by gluing the frames together

*Tip – to make the lantern square alternate attaching each frame, one to the back side and one to the side (if that doesn’t make sense I hope it’s clear in the pictures)

Step 5: added embellishments using flowers I had, and the pumpkins

-I painted the pumpkin stems and spray painted the orange gourd

-I made this floral arrangement by securing with floral wire then floral tape.

I decided afterward to add ribbon to the lantern, to cover the seam where each frame is glued together.

And after I had it all set up I decided to remove the paper because I thought it detracted from the look I was going for. But, I’ll show you both setups. Let me know which one you like better.

Every thing pictured here is from Dollar Tree
-Clockwise from top left- with activity sheets, without sheets, close-up of candle holder, candle lit

For this project, I technically only spent $6 for the frames, pizza pan, and candle. Everything else I had at home from previous use or from other projects I am working on. How cute is that candle with the leaf print!?

I hope this inspires you to come up with some simple fall décor. I would love to know how you're decorating for fall! Thanks, and God Bless!

Living Simply,


How to make a Mini Vase

I love flowers! But, I don't like to buy fresh flowers because they eventually shrivel up and die. I believe that fresh flowers are meant to be outdoors where they can flourish and thrive. Just sayin'. I say all that to say, I did this project because I wanted to display a vase with flowers in my kitchen window (above the sink). 

The problem with trying to put a vase above the sink was the fact that there is no ledge to sit anything on. Pinterest to the rescue! I came across a mini vase that someone made out of salt and pepper shakers. The pin had individual shakers as one vase, but I took it a step further.

Take a look...

Here are the some of the supplies. I also used glue and twine.

-The only purchase was one set of the shakers. I had one from a previous project.


Painted each shaker. I applied two coats of paint.

-To make this project quicker leave the shakers clear

Step 2:

Glued the shakers horizontally using epoxy glue

- This glue sets in about 30 minutes. You could also use hot glue.

Step 3:

Wrapped twine around the opening to make it look like one piece.

-I secured the twine with hot glue.

Step 4:

Added flowers.

Isn't it the cutest thing? I just love that it matches my décor now, but I can just change out the flowers seasonally or whenever I feel like it. And the best part? I only spent $1 because I had all the other supplies on hand!

As always, thanks and God bless!

Living Simply
Mindy ✿

Beach themed outdoor decor DIY

I don’t know about you, but I love the beach! I love summer in general, but there’s something about laying out on the sand and watching the waves that is very soothing. Now we live in New England which means the ocean water is absolutely freezing and beaches are crowded. Even so our family tries to make at least one or two trips a year. So, since we don’t go as often as I’d like, I thought I would bring the beach to us with beach themed décor.

I will be sharing two diy projects that will be on our backyard patio table. Now if I could only get the yard cleaned up…sigh.

For the first project I used a glass jar I found for $5 at the Target dollar spot. Along with some decorative items from Dollar Tree, and a few things I had laying around the house. 

Step 1: measured and cut jute rope to the length I wanted the handle to hang. Then twisted in half and attached (using hot glue) a nut, which I spray painted with metallic paint.

Step 2: attached a key ring (also spray painted) to each nut using hot glue.

Step 3: wrapped jut rope around neck of the jar, while stringing on the key rings to the second layer. Attached with hot glue.

Step 4: attached a votive candle holder to the bottom of the jar with hot glue. This was so I would be able to remove the battery-operated candle.

Step 5: filled the jar with sand and shells from the Dollar Tree.

For project number two, I thought I would make use of this raised garden bed I purchased 2 summers ago with the intent on starting a garden. There is no garden to speak of. So, I made what I’m calling faux pallet art.

Step 1: took the garden bed apart and cut the wood pieces to fit this quote art I found at Dollar Tree.

Step 2: attached the cut pieces to create a pallet.

Step 3: used modpodge (the outdoor formula) to adhere the art to the wood. I ended up cutting the paper into strips to give it the wood pallet look. I love how it looks imperfect.

Step 4: attached frame support from the back of a previously used frame.

And there you have it. Two simple projects that cost less than $20. I hope this inspires you to create something that reminds you of a soothing experience. Until next time, thanks and God Bless!

Living Simply,